National University


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NU Key

Apply for the Key Grant today and unlock your dreams – up to a $7,500 award annually!

The National University Key Grant – Unlock Your True Potential with a College Degree

We live in a vast, diverse country where opportunity, economic status, and educational achievement are not always equitable. At National University, we believe everyone, regardless of ethnicity, financial situation, or income level, deserves to experience the journey of personal and professional fulfillment fueled by the pursuit of a college degree.

With the Key Grant, we're striving to make higher education accessible to everyone who dreams of building a better life for themselves and their families. If you've stopped short of achieving your potential because of the cost of earning your degree, NU's Key Grant offers you an alternative path to affordability.

Apply for the Key Grant today and unlock your dreams – up to a $7,500 award annually!

"My degree showed women, especially women of color, that there are no limits on your hopes and dreams."

Toya Sonnier, Class of 2019